In the enchanting setting of DeerCreek Country Club in Deerfield Beach, Florida, love unfolded its magical tale as a devoted couple celebrated a decade of togetherness. The air was filled with the sweet scent of romance, echoing the journey that began in their English honors class a decade ago. Surrounded by lush greenery and embraced by the warm Florida sun, the couple exchanged vows that mirrored the depth of their enduring love. The DeerCreek Country Club, with its picturesque backdrop, served as the perfect canvas for a romantic wedding, a celebration of a love story that blossomed over years of shared dreams and cherished moments. Venue: Deer Creek Country Club Florist: Dalsimer Atlas DJ/Band: Rock with U Hair + Makeup: Bombshell Makeovers Wedding Dress: Bacio Bacio Bridal Wedding Cake: Sweet Guilt by Angelica Planner: It Events by Julie Cohen